
by Teams Up with Savvii to Offer Better WordPress Site Search

Better site search is here. and Savvii are proud to unveil advanced site search for Savvii’s Managed WordPress Hosting customers. The integration will bring to Savvii’s platform, offering WordPress users the ability to…


Is Your Site Ready for Cyber Monday?

We’re days away from another month long holiday season when crazy online deals are likely going to break the Internet again, so the team at wants to remind you of a few things you…


Introducing Essential: Affordable Elasticsearch for WordPress

We’ve been offering for almost two years, and along the way we’ve learned quite a bit about connecting Elasticsearch and WordPress, what works and what doesn’t, and how our customers use the plugin and…


ElasticPress 2.6: WooCommerce Autosuggest

We’re excited to announce the newest release of ElasticPress, version 2.6! This update includes some oft-requested and helpful features, especially for site owners looking to improve the WooCommerce shopping experience for their customers: WooCommerce products…


ElasticPress 2.5: Facets

Please note: as of version 4.7 of ElasticPress, Facets are now known as Filters. ElasticPress 2.5 has been released, with a new Facets feature that makes it easy to add high performance content filtering controls…


ElasticPress 2.4: Autosuggest

ElasticPress 2.4 has been released, bringing a new Autosuggest feature. When the autosuggest feature is enabled, input fields of type “search” or with the CSS class “search-field” or “ep-autosuggest” will be enhanced with suggested matches….


Set up ElasticPress in Your Local WordPress Environment

Whether you’re interested in experimenting with Elasticsearch and WordPress, or you need to develop and test a site that will use ElasticPress in production, this guide will walk you through setting up 10up’s WP Local…


ElasticPress 2.3: Documents

ElasticPress version 2.3 has been released, bringing with it a new Documents feature. This feature indexes text within popular file types (e.g. pdf, doc, ppt) and adds those files to search results, rectifying a gap in…