Developer Documentation

Related Posts API

ElasticPress understands data in real-time, so it can instantly deliver engaging and precise related content with no impact on site performance. In addition to the Related Posts block, it is also possible to list related…

Theme Integration

Through its several filters, ElasticPress allows developers to change its look-and-feel. Here is a list of (some) features and how to change them:


ElasticPress requirements can be found in the Requirements section in our README. If your solution relies on a different server or version, you may find additional information in this document. OpenSearch ElasticPress does not officially support OpenSearch…


To develop for ElasticPress you will need a local development environment (the same you would use to work on a WordPress site) and an Elasticsearch instance — either directly installed in your machine, a docker…

Did You Mean

ElasticPress’ “Did You Mean” feature intelligently understands and handles typos in search keywords. When a user enters a search term with a typo, ElasticPress analyzes the search query, compares it to a database of indexed…

Feature API

Since ElasticPress 3.0, to register a feature you will need to extend the Feature class. Here is a code example: The Feature class is an abstract class, which means it is required to implement at least the…


In ElasticPress 3.0, we’ve introduced the concept of Indexables, a way to enable indexing, search, and queries on any queryable object in WordPress, such as Posts or Comments, for example. ElasticPress ships with the following…

Sync Process

If after reading the What is the ElasticPress Sync? article you are curious to understand how the process works behind the scenes, this article is for you. Index, Reindex, and Sync are some of the…

React Components

Are you looking to integrate ElasticPress into your React application or headless WordPress website? ElasticPress has a React component library. Install via npm:

Customizing Autosuggest

Connecting Autosuggest to Your Theme’s Search Bar When enabled, ElasticPress Autosuggest will automatically add itself to any input[type=”search”] elements on the page, as well as any elements with the .ep-autosuggest or .search-field classes. You can add Autosuggest to additional elements yourself…