Configuring Custom Search Results

ElasticPress allows you to customize search results for specific queries, in order to emphasize, promote, or de-emphasize specific search results. Once you’ve enabled Custom Search Results from the ElasticPress dashboard, follow these instructions to customize your search results:

  1. On the Admin menu sidebar, click Custom Results.
  2. To add a new query, click the Add New button and enter your search query.
  3. To reorder the search results, click and drag the ☰ icon next to the items you would like to move.
  4. To add other pages to the search results, search for the post you want to add in the Add to Results box, and click the + icon next to the result you’d like to add.
  5. When you have finished modifying the search results, you can click Save Draft to save it as a draft or Publish to publish the custom results.